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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kinsey Millhone Alphabet Mysteries

A loner, Kinsey Millhone, twice divorced, has few people she's close to and has essentially cut herself off from her relatives, who Kinsey believes distanced themselves from her after her parents died in a car accident. Even though Kinsey has developed a great friendship with her neighbor and landlord, Henry, the most fulfilling relationship she has is with her job - she's a private investigator - and even that can be rocky, what with getting shot at regularly and all!

The titles in this series move from A-Z, and Kinsey's character becomes more and more likable as we run, drive, and dive for cover with her through the alphabet. And since you've known your ABC's for awhile now, you'll note that there are only five titles pictured here, which doesn't take you through U is for Undertow, the most recent Kinsey Millhone book to have been published.

For grades 9 and up.

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